meet your coach

You want to bring your vision to life. Let’s figure out how together. 

I’m here to develop the kind of leadership that drives the business results of your dreams. Let’s talk.

I use leadership as a lever to drive the business results that every leader craves.

I’ve been coaching leaders at F100 companies and startups for over 20 years, and I love what I do. Working with those leaders to help them make the most of their vision has been thrilling.

Prior to founding skillstruck studio, I was a people and culture leader for over 20 years at companies like Google and its subsidiaries. I accelerated company success, built and led high performance teams, coached founders and C-level execs, and created inspiring company culture.

but more importantly

You can be an exceptional, one-of-a-kind leader. Let’s work together to make it happen. 

Together, we combine your natural leadership style with my expertise to transform how you think of yourself and how others see you.

Coaches are people too

Get to know a little bit about me.

Favorite book: The Stand, Stephen King

Favorite song: The Chain, Fleetwood Mac

Favorite drink: Vodka martini - very dry, very cold, with a twist

Ask me about: Why I think remote work is doomed to fail

Hometown: New York. You can take the girl out of New York, but you can’t take the New York out of the girl

Sharpen your leadership skills.

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Get the 6 competencies of confident leadership delivered to your inbox in a handy PDF. Use these as an invitation to reflect on those things we know consistently deliver lasting confidence to the best leaders.

Ready for your leadership transformation?


Book a 30-minute discovery call with me, and begin taming your messiest problems. 

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book a discovery call to get started